Although I was assigned blogging as part of the reflective practice for my course work, I did zero investigation into this technique. I cannot remember reading another person’s blog in the past and I don’t regularly (or until this program) follow anyone’s blog, and as such had no framework in which to base my blogs other then a basic: I think it’s an “off the cuff” opinion or discussion starter from one point of view.
After reading through some of the posts from Dr. Alec Couros and Dr. George Veletsianos, I was able to reflect on a couple of trends by comparison: both scholars ended a lot of entries with a question thrown back to the reader for feedback; and my initial few postings are VERY long.
I don’t know the language of blogging, the standards (if they can be agreed on) for blogging, the methods, the research behind it as a pedagogical tool…anything. So, I am sorry for the length of my first blogs, and I’m sorry for not researching before practicing.
Since I am curious of the various methods of reflective practice available to students and I am also beginning to consider blogging as a tool for my students – regardless, for the moment, whether they are made public or kept private – I need to incorporate scaffolding. I received very little scaffolding this week. Is it because of rigor of the program affords little time to address it? Or is it because it is assumed some familiarity should be present a priori (if I’m again using my Latin correctly)?
Either way, I am taking it upon myself to collect and evaluate resources outlining proper blogging technique – to cultivate for my possible future use as classwork with students and to better inform my practice in this moment.
Am I forgiven?
Some Tips for Blogging:
The Muse (general source) Tips for Blogging
The University of Edinburgh (academic source) Tips for Blogging
The Principle of Change (George Couros blog post on Blogging)
Some Academic Research:
Using a Project Blog to Promote Student Learning and Reflection
Self-reflection and academic performance: is there a relationship?
Student learning in higher education through blogging in the classroom
PHOTO: “I’m Sorry Mira ='(“ by -bLy- is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
July 12, 2019 — 6:51 pm
I did my presentation this week by comparing the assigned reading to “Using a Project Blog to Promote Student Learning and Reflection”. Along a similar trajectory is Tanya Ross’s final project for her masters, which I really enjoyed reading. It has dozens of references that are relevant to reflective practices. Thanks for sharing your resources, and you are not the only one trying out blogging for the first time!
July 13, 2019 — 5:31 pm
I love this post! I think it’s great that you’re doing a little bit of research into blogging and taking the time to see what other bloggers are doing. However, don’t forget that it’s YOUR blog. Despite what some advice articles might say, there is no one right way to blog- and can you imagine how boring blogs would be if they were all the same? Pull the pieces that resonate with you, throw out the advice that doesn’t, and always make sure that your voice and personality comes through.
You have nothing to apologize for with your posts so far! I think you’re doing great. 👍