This is a titled response to the first blog (Managing the Messy Part) my professor posted for this new course – EDCI 565.
With her boundless enthusiasm she set upon us the task of creating a website of collated and created resources to address all aspects of remote learning (assuming we will still have some dimension of remote learning come September – and most signs point to “Maybe. But prepare like a hard ‘Yes'”).
This is a great idea – no doubt. And a needed one – double no doubt. Although not unique – as I stumbled across a similar thread during a Twitter scroll yesterday. And of course the more the merrier here I imagine, as a likely cross-pollination of ideas is necessary to fulfill the potential usefulness of our website.
And away we go, with our professor embracing the “damp sand” that lay before us in our co-created brainstorm of necessary topics and outcomes to cover.
But…this isn’t me.
Anyone that knows me, knows that this image above, which also greets readers to my professor’s blog, has no relation to me or my process. Obviously I wouldn’t be caught dead painting in a nice oxford button-down – I’d be smocked the hell up!
I would have a bowl to wash both my brushes and my fingers at the ready, and don’t get me started on that dreadfully elementary colour palette.
But most importantly, I wouldn’t be painting (or making a mess if that is what this picture represents). I’d have a story board/outline/sketch of what I already wanted to accomplish, in enough detail that if someone were to peer over my shoulder they’d swear I was already done.
This is going to be messy. And you’d think me having children of my own would have softened my inclinations towards order, process and organization…but you’d be wrong. It has strengthened my love of it.
Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash
July 10, 2020 — 12:57 pm
Hmm…I often find that I have many things in common with you, Benjamin, however I delight in this picture!! In fact, let’s splatter paint the walls!
As long as the result is a masterpiece. Please, let it be a masterpiece.
Joanna Lake
July 13, 2020 — 10:51 am
“dreadfully elementary colour palette.” I can’t like this enough.