It's better to burn out than it is to rust ~ Neil Young

vlog Week 1

Perspectives and Experiences of Digital Storytelling

Here is a list of the BIG IDEAS covered in my vlog:

  • What role does digital storytelling have in our math and science curriculum and course work?
  • Does the type of digital storytelling tool matter?
  • Does this time distract from other learning, or IS THIS the learning? 
  • What does the public contract say?
  • How can I find a way to incorporate this?



Teaching Podcasting: A Curriculum Guide for Educators

Manitoba students last in Canada in science and math, second last in reading

O’Connell, Timothy & Dyment, Janet. (2014). ‘I’m just not that comfortable with technology’: student perceptions of and preferences for Web 2.0 technologies in reflective journals. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 40. 1-20. 10.1080/0309877X.2014.984594.

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

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