Adopter Overload

Here is a list of the BIG IDEAS covered in my vlog:

  • How do educational trends affect students?
  • What role do/will creativity and innovation play in my classroom (f2f or digitally)?

This week, we tackled the “Creativity and Innovation” component of the BC Digital Literacy Framework – specifically looking at makerspaces. Dr. Sandra Becker (with her colleague, Natalie Major) spoke to our class during our synchronous ZOOM session to discuss makerspaces and her research.

The concept of makerspaces was relatively new to me – or at least I thought so.  It turns out that any kind of “making” can be considered a makerspace.  In speaking to makerspaces and maker activities, Dr. Becker said they have a “low-floor, high ceiling, and wide walls.” Her comment speaking to the variety of learning and differentiation in both content, technological-incorporation, process, and assessment that is possible when you consider the breadth of what can be considered “making.” Which means I have in fact, during inquiry projects and various activities incorporated aspects of makerspace pedagogy into my classroom without even knowing. Cheers!

That introduction aside, this is my Flip Grid vlog for the week addressing the Big Ideas:


“Overload Explode” by Maricama from Giphy